2025 10th International Conference on Advances on Clean Energy Research (ICACER 2025)
April 7-9, 2025, Nice, France

Goals and Submission Format

Workshops provide an opportunity to present a topic for discussion to an audience interested in industrial or academic experiences, knowledge, or applications in a given area of advances on clean energy research. Workshop attendees are expected to participate actively in each session. The following information should be included in workshop proposals:

  • The workshop's name
  • A statement of the workshop's goals
  • The organizers' names, affiliations, and contact information (address, e-mail, telephone)
  • A draft of the Call for Papers for the workshop
  • Estimated length of the workshop (2-3 hours or half-day)
  • Requirements (i.e. hardware, software, Internet access, audio-visual equipment, etc.)

Tutorials introduce information, solutions, industry experiences, and innovative applications that would be difficult or time consuming for attendees to learn otherwise. Tutorial proposals should include the following information:

  • The tutorial's title
  • Instructor's name, affiliation, and contact information (address, e-mail, telephone)
  • Instructor's biographical sketch
  • Abstract: A concise description of the tutorial's content and goals (250 words or less)
  • Scope: Is this a survey of several topics or an in-depth study of one?
  • Motivation and Objectives: What will the participants learn?
  • Prior history: if the instructor has given a similar tutorial previously, explain when, where, and how many attendees
  • Intended audience
  • Estimated length (one-day or half-day) of the tutorial
  • Outline: The topics of the tutorial including rough time allocations
  • Major references: This list will help identify the scope
  • Special requirements (hardware, software, Internet access, etc.)
  • Sample (hardcopy or softcopy) of tutorial materials

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit workshop and tutorial proposals to the ICACER Conference Secretary: Ms. Rachel Cao

Review and Publication

The ICACER 2025 Program Committee will accept the proposals according to their topic, quality, and potential impact. The organizers of accepted proposals will be asked to prepare a one-page summary of their workshop or tutorial. Accepted workshop and tutorial presentations will be included in the ICACER 2025 proceedings.

ICACER Workshops and Tutorials Secretary